My favorite Mom resources

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Photo Credit: @lifelivedbeautifully 

Every Tuesday morning, there’s a moment when I think it’s Wednesday and eagerly open my podcast app, looking for the latest Risen Motherhood episode. Seriously, every Tuesday. You’d think I’d learn to keep my days straight. Fortunately, I have a few other go-to resources that stir my affections for Jesus and lift my gaze to him even if it’s still only Tuesday.

I know I wrote recently about running to Jesus before blog posts and books, and I do believe the Bible is primary. But now I want to highlight some of my favorite resources that supplement a healthy prayer and devotional life.

The Risen Motherhood podcast. I’ve mentioned them before, but Emily and Laura do a wonderful job of applying the gospel directly to motherhood. They recently did a two-part series on anger that was so good. (I know that sounds weird, but trust me. I listened, then re-listened immediately.)

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full and  Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman. I’ve shared about Treasuring Christ before, but it bears repeating: this is one of my favorites. I’m enjoying working through Missional Motherhood now, and you can even listen to her talk to Emily & Laura on Risen Motherhood about there’s no such thing as “just a mom” — and listen to her here on the same topic. Gloria’s new book, Alive in Him, comes out in a few days and I can’t wait to dive into Ephesians with her.

The Bible Project app, Youtube channel, blog and podcast. These guys combine wonderful animation (like, the drawing kind!) with theologically sound overviews of themes and books that I have found so helpful as I try to power through the Old Testament for real this time. Bryant and I have even been watching the videos in the evenings instead of TV shows, and it’s been really good. As for the podcast, I just listened to the series on the image of God, and a really thought-provoking episode about two Harvard Business School grads and how God changed their lives by altering their thoughts on money.

The Village Church Sermons: Speaking of sound exposition, I love listening to Matt Chandler. His series on Exodus has also been extra amazing as I go through the Old Testament, and he draws out the love and care of God for his people so well in a book that can be depressing at times. (Really, Aaron? A golden calf? This is Israel’s future priest?)

And my newest discovery: the Life Lived Beautifully shop and her new study, Breathe. I’m always skeptical of Bible studies written for women. Too many of them cater to my emotions and skim the surface of Scripture for feel-good truths. But this one? This one is sound and God-centered. I bought it after Gretchen’s Instagram posts on the study kept resonating deeply with me, and it has already enriched my prayer life. I’ve learned how to better pray Scripture, and seen Jesus all over the Psalms. Also check out her blog.

If you have some other resources you recommend, please let me know! I hope these encourage you as you go about your life.

One thought on “My favorite Mom resources

  1. I love listening to the Sheologians podcast and Desiring God is my go-to for sermons. John Piper is practically my dad at this point 😂

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