Hospitality when your house is less than ‘grammable

We hosted a casual Easter lunch last week for a few friends, which wound down almost at dinner time as any good lunch does. It was an easy menu, and I decorated with a bouquet of lilies, our good tablecloth and dishes, and a few candles. It seemed just right, until the night before, I had … Continue reading Hospitality when your house is less than ‘grammable

The Lost Month

Five days until my babies are one year old. All month I've been telling people who ask that the girls are "almost a year old." Now I want them to ask so I can say "eleven months" just a few more times. There's something so special about being less than one year old, but somehow it … Continue reading The Lost Month

Last year at this time: Sovereign grace behind the scenes

The babies will be 11 months old this weekend, and the closer their birthday gets, the more I have flashbacks to this time last year, my last (huge!) month of pregnancy and the girls' birth. And a funny thing has been happening-- such a thing of grace. The babies' birth wasn't exactly a sweet and … Continue reading Last year at this time: Sovereign grace behind the scenes