

I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and now I’m Mommy to twin girls. During those nine months of expectancy, I awaited a life of sweet blissful moments, those Instagram-worthy vignettes that make mom life seem like one long cuddle.

But about the time I started reading all those mom-empowerment mommy blogs (you know the ones I mean!), discouragement set in. It seemed maybe motherhood was nothing but drudgery after all. According to the pop culture, motherhood isn’t much more than poop, tantrums and messes– sustained by that hard-earned glass of wine at the end of the day.

That is not the kind of #momlife I’m looking for.

Of course motherhood is nothing like a well-curated Instalife, either. But for all our emphasis on authenticity and honesty in social media, I think there is more truth to those photos than we remember sometimes. I think we’re drawn to those carefully chosen moments because they remind us how much beauty is in our everyday mundane moments– that each of them bears the stamp of Reality and Eternity, if we can but open our eyes to see it.

My passion is to open a window into a kind of motherhood that is anything but drudgery. There are tantrums and poop and messes. All day every day. But there is also beauty, joy and a lot of cuddles.

In Man Alive, G.K. Chesterton, a British journalist and philosopher, wrote about a man who was so intent on always being awed by the beauty and goodness in his own life that he would sneak into his own home the back way, treat his wife as if meeting her for the first time, and travel the world looking for what he already had, just to see his life with new eyes every day.

I want a touch of that in my daily life: not losing sight of how adorable, fun, sweet, lovable and funny my girls are even when they’re throwing a royal tantrum or pulling their sister’s hair again. How the dishes piling up and the toys strewn across the floor are evidence of life happening together, and a way to serve and love my family in small things day by day.

“It was not the house that grew dull, but I that grew dull in it. My wife was better than all women, and yet I could not feel it.”
― G.K. ChestertonManalive

“I know he is really happy, and yet I can never catch him at it.”
― G.K. ChestertonManalive

My passion is to fight for a kind of mom life that catches the glimmers of eternity in mundane moments and cherishes the beauty of this great task.

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